SECURE and DISCRETE payments : When you click the 'Add To Basket' button, you will be taken to our sister site where items bought will be described in a very discrete way when using the PayPal secure on-line payment option. There, you can add items to your basket. To view your basket, click the 'Shopping Cart' option in the Menu bar.
This part of our site is dedicated to the items we are happy to make, but are not what could be called 'Mainstream' to our normal products.
They normally originate from customers who have requested one-off items ... but some originate from our fertile imaginations. Once we are happy that we can continually manufacture the items to our normal high standards, we will retain the knowledge aquired and offer similar items as 'special orders'.
This 'wet moulded' mask is made from heavy top grade vegetable tanned cowhide. 3.5mm upwards (9 -12 oz.) thick. and will add panache and excitement to any scene. Finished to the highest standard with a saddlers crease line and hand. Burnished edges.
This can be made in our standard choice of 4 colours, Black, Red, Light Brown and Dark Brown .
Whilst our standard range of masks are made using Light Brown, Dark Brown, Black or Red hide, we can make them in other colours on request. If you require another colour, please contact us with the details by emailing
OUCH.UK.COM .. bringing you the ultimate, hand crafted ... CORRECTION COLLECTION!